
For an existing Sphinx documentation set, the Alice theme can be applied by configuring the html_theme value to sphinx_alice_theme. For example:

html_theme = 'sphinx_alice_theme'

For users who wish to test this theme against their documentation set without modifying a configuration file, the following can be invoked for the html builder:

$ sphinx-build -b html . _build/html -E -a -D html_theme=sphinx_alice_theme
$ python -m sphinx -b html . _build/html -E -a -D html_theme=sphinx_alice_theme

Or the following for the singlehtml builder:

$ sphinx-build -b singlehtml . _build/singlehtml -E -a -D html_theme=sphinx_alice_theme
$ python -m sphinx -b singlehtml . _build/singlehtml -E -a -D html_theme=sphinx_alice_theme